Last Updated on April 23, 2024 by Sandra Allens

If you are having difficulty getting a good night’s sleep due to your mattress being either too soft or too firm, don’t worry! There are several simple fixes that can help make your bed more comfortable so you can get the restful slumber that everyone needs.

This article will provide some tips on how to fix a too soft or too firm mattress and give advice on selecting the right type of mattress for different sleeping positions.  With a little knowledge and effort, you can find the perfect mattress for your needs.

Identifying the Problem

If you’re one of the many people who struggle to find a mattress that feels just right, chances are it has something to do with finding the perfect balance between firm and soft. A firmer mattress offers more support for your body while sleeping but can be too hard on pressure points like hips or shoulders.

A softer bed may feel comfortable at first, yet lack proper back support as time goes by. If this sounds familiar, then you might want to consider looking into fixing your current firm mattress in order to make it better suited for both comfort and health needs.

Identifying The Problem: Firm Mattress Soft Fix

Finding the ideal combination of cushiony plushness and orthopedic-friendly solidity isn’t always easy—especially when trying out mattresses from stores without being able to lie down on them beforehand!

Consequently, some individuals end up purchasing beds which turn out either too stiff or overly yielding once they’re brought home – leaving buyers frustrated because their sleep position (back/stomach/side) does not fit well enough within its structure’s contours nor gives adequate spine alignment during restful hours spent lying upon such surfaces each night.

If you’re having issues with a mattress that’s too firm, there are several potential solutions to help soften up the surface while preserving its underlying support structure. Such remedies can be used in conjunction or independently of one another and range from buying specialized bedding items such as foam-based mattresses (memory/latex) which come preloaded with extra cushioning layers.

Purchasing additional pillows for head neck & shoulder elevation purposes so as not strain any pressure points when sleeping on your backside; using egg crate foam padding inserts underneath existing cushions provide comfort relief along contour lines – all these options combined will produce an overall softer feeling without compromising much needed spinal alignment capabilities.

In addition, many owners have also resorted to flipping their current beds over every once in awhile so each side gets equal wear – this trick helps extend longevity by keeping firmer materials evenly distributed throughout entire surface area yet still allows users some degree manipulation if they need it via adjustable settings like those found electric bases or other customizable frames available today.

Soft Mattress Solutions

When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, having the right mattress is essential. For many people, this means finding one that offers firm support for their bodies while still being comfortable enough to provide adequate rest and relaxation. Unfortunately, not all mattresses are created equal; some may be too hard or soft for certain individuals’ needs.

If you find yourself in such a situation where your bed feels either too hard or too soft but don’t want to go through the hassle of replacing it entirely with another type of mattress altogether then there are several solutions available which can help make your current sleeping surface more accommodating without breaking the bank!

The first solution would involve purchasing an additional piece of foam known as “topper” which could easily fit over top of existing bedsprings adding extra cushioning and comfortability when lying down on top – effectively making them softer than they were originally designed to feel like!

This option provides both short-term relief (allowing you time until purchase) as well better long term value since these items last longer compared other traditional methods such replacement mattresses themselves – thereby saving money overall cost wise in comparison also saves energy because no need replace entire framework just part itself instead meaning less material waste production associated likewise reductions related emissions from transport etcetera creating healthier environment general speaking terms thus helping our planet additionally benefit us individually lasting basis.  

Another way to improve hardness/softness level desired by swapping out actual springs within a box spring system typically found underneath main component body weight distributed evenly across coils pushing up against each other providing solid foundation beneath the user.

However if switching different style types pressure points felt differently resulting in firmer feeling individual parts cannot replaced quite same fashion does require special tools order properly do job correctly so best leave task professionals who specialize area although might come bit pricier upfront pays off longevity standpoint due increased lifespan result new installation procedure done right!

Lastly, there are mattress pads available which can be placed on top of existing mattresses to add extra layers and comfort. These come in a variety of different materials such as memory foam or gel-infused latex that offer additional cushioning while still providing necessary support for the body’s natural curves. They also help protect against dust mites, allergens and other irritants so they serve dual purposes – both making beds softer but healthier too!

Firm Mattress Fixes

A firm mattress is one of the most important components in getting a good night’s sleep, as it helps to support your body and neck while you rest. However, if your mattress isn’t quite giving you the comfort level that you need for optimal sleep quality and relaxation, then there are some soft fixes that can help make sure your nights go more smoothly.

First off, adding an extra layer or two on top of your current sleeping surface may be all that’s needed to soften up a too-firm bedding situation without making any major changes. A plush blanket or featherbed tucked between sheets has been known to provide excellent cushioning effects when placed over a hard mattress—even those made from memory foam material!

Additionally, using thick pillows with plenty of stuffing will also lessen how much pressure points build throughout the course of slumber by providing added padding beneath areas like hips and shoulders during side sleeping positions (or even tummies while snoozing face down).

Moreover, Consider changing out existing pieces entirely such as buying new mattresses altogether – just ones which have softer cores than what was previously purchased initially. This could include opting for hybrid models incorporating both springs/coils along with layers featuring denser foams rather than solid blocks alone so they sink less into discomfort zones after long hours spent in them each evening.

It should also not hurt stocking up on supportive accessories including pillow tops specifically designed towards relieving back pain symptoms associated common among firmer beds plus other products tailored directly at alleviating aches through targeted relief technology.

These items tend to come highly recommended by experts since their materials do wonders conforming contours around user bodies better yet still retain enough give where necessary instead bottoming abruptly out upon contact surfaces due pressing against skeletal structures too heavily otherwise creating further issues overall health related departments both physical and mental wellness alike.

Finally, don ’t forget about natural solutions either! Incorporating mattress toppers such as those made from wool or cotton can help give an extra layer of cushioning for a softer sleep without having to fully replace the entire bedding setup because they just lay on top of existing materials.

Similarly, using natural latex foam instead of a traditional synthetic type will work wonders contouring body’s shape while providing more comfort due its breathable properties so one stays cooler throughout night – both which are great benefits to any sleeping individual looking to upgrade their bedroom experience in every way possible!

In conclusion, there are plenty of soft fixes that you can use if your firm mattress isn’t giving the level of support and relaxation it should.

Adding additional layers like blankets or pillows between sheets is always a good start but investing in supportive accessories may be required depending on how hard/soft the original surface was initially purchased at—with newer hybrid models often being preferred nowadays since they offer better combinations overall when compared against other types available today (i.e., memory foams vs springs).

Toppers and Other Options

If you’re looking for a mattress that offers both firm support and soft comfort, then you may want to consider one of the many different types of hybrid mattresses on the market today. Hybrid mattresses are made up of two or more layers, usually foam with an innerspring core, which combine elements from each type to create something unique.

The combination can provide superior levels of support while still offering plenty cushioning and plushness at the same time. 

One popular option is latex-topped coils – often referred to as “latex over springs” (LOPs) or “toppers“.

These beds feature a top layer composed entirely out of natural latex rubber, providing excellent contouring properties along with good overall durability; plus it eliminates motion transfer between sleep partners due its distributed weight design structure.

However, because these beds have fewer steel coils than most traditional models they also tend not to be quite as supportive so if sleeping comfortably through entire nights without interruption is important this might not be your best bet.

Another great choice when searching for a firmer yet soft feel would be memory foam hybrids where instead being topped off by either pure Dunlop Latex like LOPs above or other materials such as polyurethane/polyester blend some manufacturers use viscoelastic material commonly known simply just “memory foam” which provides incredible body hugging pressure relief but conversely tends trap heat within creating hotter environment during night’s rest.

Memory Foam however has come a long way since first introduced back in the mid 70’s now available range densities allowing those seeking softer surface get what they need while maintaining correct posture throughout entire evening hours making perfect selection particularly folks suffer lower lumbar issues pain resulting poor alignment positions sustained extended periods slumber times.

Finally adjustable air systems offer maximum adjustability terms one’s own personal preference though costlier end scale should worth added flexibility control users receive ultimately decide how hard /soft bed actually feels merely adjusting mechanism via remote hand held device pump unit typically built into base itself therefore no extra appliance necessary house well setup already comes ready utilize immediately upon arrival home place required.

Whether you’re looking for a mattress that offers firm support and soft comfort, or something more tailored to your own personal preferences – there’s sure to be a perfect one out there that fits the bill. With the wide variety of hybrid mattresses on the market today, it won’t take long before finding just the right combination desired features quality construction all within budget requirements.

Maintenance Tips for Long-Term Comfort

Are you having trouble getting comfortable on your firm mattress? While a firmer surface can provide necessary support for the body, it often lacks some of the comfort that people need to get restful sleep. Fortunately, there are ways that you can make a firm mattress softer without sacrificing its supportive qualities – and in turn enjoy long-term comfort while sleeping.

Here is Our List of Five Maintenance Tips for Making Sure that Your Hard Bed Provides Lasting Satisfaction:

  1. Use Multiple Layers– By adding several layers to the top of your bed (such as pillows or foam pads), you will be able to soften up an otherwise tough surface. These extra materials also help with heat regulation. Providing additional insulation when needed during colder months! Plus, by using removable layers such as these instead of buying a new soft mattress outright gives more flexibility if needs change down the road.
  2. Consider A Mattress Topper– Another way to increase plushness is through investing in something like memory foam or latex mattresses toppings which cushion any hardness from underneath whilst conforming around one’s shape much better than regular fabric sheets do alone.. Not only does this add thickness but it helps promote even weight distribution throughout too so no single area becomes uncomfortable over time due their added malleability compared against traditional coils/springs found inside many ‘firm’ beds out there today!
  3. Rotate Regularly– Firm mattresses tend not to sink into themselves unevenly over time causing discomfort where pressure points become concentrated after being used consistently night after night . One way to combat sinking issues would be regularly rotating them head-to-foot every three months (or less depending upon usage levels)  as this helps ensure all areas receive equal wear over time thus preventing any single area becoming more ‘sunken’ than the rest!
  4. Regular Maintenance– This is an important step to ensuring long-term comfort on a firm mattress. Vacuuming, flipping and rotating are basic cleaning techniques that help keep your bed in good condition for years to come; but also don’t forget about regular spot cleaning with soapy water or disinfectant spray if needed too as these will remove bacteria build up from depositing sweat/oils which can cause odors & discoloration (especially when not properly cared for).
  5. Consider Adjustable Beds– If you find yourself struggling with getting comfortable no matter how many layers of cushioning have been added, then it might be worth considering investing in adjustable beds instead.


To sum it up, fixing a too soft or too firm mattress can be done by adding toppers and/or layers of foam. You should also rotate your mattress every three months so that you get even wear on all sides. Replacing the old springs with new ones can make an older model feel brand new if necessary. Lastly, replacing the entire mattress with a newer model can be costly but may also provide lasting comfort. With these methods in mind, anyone should be able to find the perfect level of firmness for their own sleeping needs.